Prediksi UN Bahasa Inggris

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 - 2

 1.  Where could we find this kind of notice?
a.   at swimming pool
b.    at a water tank
c.   at the beach
d.    at jelly storage

2.  What should we do to avoid the danger?
a.       Stings the jellyfish
b.      Stay out of the water
c.       Watch out the caution
d.      Don’t watch the jellyfish

Read the following text to answer questions number 3 – 4

        Dear Bobby,
                         A little get well – greeting
                  with warm thought in every time
                     To hope that in no time at all
                        You’re feeling really fine

                             Get well soon
              Best wishes for a speedy recovery
                      Hope to see you soon

                                     Joe Feldman and family

 3. What does the Feldman expect?
  1. Bobby gets a little well
  2. Bobby gets well soon
  3. You wish a well - greeting
  4. Joe see Bobby soon 
4. “You are feeling really fine”.
What does the underlined word refer to?
  1. The writer’s family
  2. Joe Feldmen
  3. You
  4. Bobby 
Read the text to answer questions 5 – 6

Dear Riska,

Please come to my house on Sun, May 31, 2010 
at 3 p.m. Be on time.
Big party. Don’t miss it!

Thank you

5.  What is the purpose of the text above?
a.       to invite someone to come to a party
b.      to tell about a big party in a house
c.       to remind someone about a party
d.      to refuse an offer to a party

6. “Be on time!” (line 4)
     What does the expression best mean?
a.       don’t forget the time
b.      don’t be late
c.       come after 3 p.m.
d.      let the time on 

Read the following text and answer questions 7

                    You are cordially invited

                                 for lunch

          Please come and grace the occasion

   7. This card will be sent to ...
a.       ask the nice place for lunch    
b.      ask someone what he had for lunch   
c.       ask someone to have lunch
d.    ask someone to prepare food for lunch

Read the text and answer questions 8 - 9

Jl. Soekarno Hatta 187 Kendal

To: Ilma, Class IX D
Please attend our meeting that will be held at:
            Day            : On Saturday, May 20th, 2010
            Time          : At 11 a.m.
            Place         : school hall room B
Agenda      : Final preparation for story telling competition 2010.

Please come on time. See you there.

Sabrina                                                                   Maheswara
Secretary                                                                Chairperson

8. What is the purpose of writing the announcement?
  1. To confirm a meeting agenda
  2. To ask people to prepare a meeting
  3. To invite someone to attend a meeting
  4. To inform somebody that the meeting is cancelled
 9. Where will the meeting be held?
  1. In the IXD classroom
  2. In Sabrina’s house
  3. At the meeting room              
  4. In the school hall room B
 Read the text and answer questions 10 - 13

Pura Tanah Lot
A Temple in the sea

     Tanah Lot, in Tabanan Bali regency also known as the “rice bowl of Bali”-is literally taken from the Balinese word ‘lot’, meaning sea, and the Indonesian word ‘tanah’ meaning land. Therefore, at this ‘land next to the sea’ we find uncontrived photo opportunities in a part of Bali relatively unspoiled by the tourist impact of recent years, as well as one of The most photographed icons on the island, pura tanah lot.
     Pura means ‘temple’ of which Bali apparently has thousands, but none compare to this majestic land or, should we say, sea mark. It belongs to a group of six temples dotted around the island that local believes all magically protect Bali. At pura Tanah Lot this protection is in response to prayers offered to the deities of the sea, and its colorful temple celebration occurs every six month.

10. What does Tanah Lot mean?
  1. a lot of land and sea
  2. land with temple
  3. rice bowl of Bali
  4. land next to the sea
 11. What is the Tabanan regency well known?
  1. Dewata Island
  2. Heaven Island
  3. The rice bowl of Bali
  4. The heart of Bali Island
 12. …response to prayers offered to the deities of the sea. (paragraph 2)
      The underlined word has similar meaning as … .            
  1. goddess
  2. temples
  3. prayers
  4. tourists 
13. Which one is NOT TRUE based on the text?
  1. Tanah Lot is situated in Tabanan Bali
  2. The temple celebration is held six times in a month
  3. In Balinese, Lot means sea and Tanah means land
  4. The text talks about the Tanah Lot
 Read the text and answer questions 14 – 16

Success Story

Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Frank is now the head of a very large company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1938 he bought a small work-shop of his own. During the war Frank made spare parts for aero planes. At that time he had two helpers. By the end of the war, the small workshop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success.

14. Who assisted Frank in his company before the war?
  1. no one
  2. two people
  3. the writer
  4. his 728 people
 15. How did Frank start his own business?
  1. buying a small work-shop
  2. working in a small shop
  3. employing seven hundred and twenty-eight people
  4. repairing bicycles
 16. “He saved money for years and in 1938 he bought…”. (4th sentence)
The underlined word has similar meaning as….
  1. make
  2. keep
  3. need
  4. shrink
 Read the text and answer questions 17 – 19

How to Make a Cheese Omelet

1 egg, 50 g cheese,
¼  cup milk, 
3 tablespoons cooking oil,
a pinch of salt and pepper

Utensils :
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl, plate

1.      crack an egg into the bowl
2.      whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth
3.      add the milk and whisk well
4.      grate the cheese into the bowl and stir
5.      heat the oil in a frying pan
6.      pour the mixture into the frying pan
7.      turn the omelet with spatula when it gets brown
8.      cook both sides
9.      place on a plate
10.  eat while it is warm

17. What does the text tell us about?
a.       How to make a cheese omelet                                   
b.      How to serve a cheese omelet
c.       How to crack an egg                                      
d.      How to a make a scrambled egg

18. “Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth”.
      The word “it” here refers to ….
a.       milk
b.      cheese
c.       egg
d.      cheese omelet

19. What should we do with the omelet as it gets brown?
a.       Pour with the mixture
b.      Turn it with spatula
c.       Heat it in frying pan                           
d.      Serve in a plate

Read the text to answer questions 20 – 23 

Once upon a time, in the jungle there lived a fox. His name was Rox. No one didn’t know him. Everybody in the jungle was afraid of him because his face and style looked very vicious.
One day, in a summer beautiful morning, when Rox was drinking at the side of the river, he saw a little rabbit in danger. A snake came sneaking behind the little rabbit. The snake was going to eat the rabbit. Rox jumped over the snake as soon as possible and scared it away.
The little rabbit than felt relieved that Rox just save his life from the threat of the danger snake. After that the little rabbit told the whole jungle that Rox was a kind fox. He just saved his life. There was no need to afraid of him anymore.

20. What is the suitable title for the text above?
a.       A dangerous snake and little rabbit
b.      A dangerous snake and a vicious fox
c.       A vicious fox and a little rabbit
d.      A kind-hearted fox and little rabbit

21. Why did the rabbit feel pleased with Rox? Because … .
  1. Rox saved a little rabbit’s life
  2. Roxs face and style looked very vicious
  3. The rabbit was frightened by the snake
  4. The rabbit was in danger
 22. …over the snake as soon as possible and scared it away. (paragraph 2)
What does the underlined word refer to?
a. The fox
b.  the rabbit
c.  a snake
d.  the animal

23. From the story, we can learn that …
a.   never judge a book from its cover
b.   help the rabbit when it is in danger
c.  be a vicious to frightened others
d.  sneaking snake is dangerous for rabbit

Read the text to answer questions 24 – 25

Elizabeth II, born 21st April 1926, is the eldest daughter of                  George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1997; the pair has four children; Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward.
She is the first monarch to send her children to boarding school in order to remove them from the ever-probing media. She has a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current situation and trend is up to date. She possesses a sense of humor rarely exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her goal.
24. What does Elizabeth send her children to boarding school for?   
a.  to avoid of the media investigating
b.  to send them away from palace
c.   to avoid the enemy kid-napping
d.   to convince the media

25. “She possesses a sense of humor rarely exhibited . . . .
The underlined word means  . . . .
a.    hidden
b.    found
c.    shown
d.   given
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Asslamau'alaikum, Wr, Wb
 Siswa kelas IX,
1. Unduhlah lampiran soal pada posting ini
2. Editlah  sesuai dengan ketentuan soal yang tercantum pada sheet : "perintah kerja",
3. Simpanlah hasil editing dengan format nama file yang benar ( sesuai perintah kerja ).
4. Kirimkan file hasil editing tersebut vie email ke alamat : dan

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Taktik sukses ulangan semester

Ulangan semester adalah suatu kegiatan rutin yang dilaksanakan secara periodik dan berkala yang bertujuan untuk menetapkan kenaikan terhadap siswa. Ketetapan kenaikan tersebut meliputi kemampuan mencapai target KKM masing-masing pelajaran, persentase kehadiran mencapai 95 % , mencapai kriteria baik (B) pada nilai sikap perilaku dan budi pekerti, dan tidak memiliki catatan kriminal berdasarkan laporan dari masyarakat maupun kepolisian.
Ulangan semester biasanya diadakan setahun 2 kali, terbagi dalam semester 1 dan 2.
Untuk mencapai suskes dalam ulangan semester ada beberapa trik yang harus dijalani antara lain:
  1. Mempersiapkan diri sebaik mungkin; baik menyangkut kesehatan, pengaturan kegiatan rutin setiap hari, berfokus pada materi yang diajarkan, menyelesaikan soal-soal, dan mengerjakan semua tugas guru sebelum ulangan umum berlangsung.
  2. Memasang jadwal belajar setiap hari minimal 2 jam dalam sehari semalam.
  3. Mengurutkan setiap pelajaran berdasarkan jadwal ulangan semester dari sekolah kemudian mempelajari materi pelajaran tersebut secara bertahap.
  4. Membaca standar kelulusan materi bagi kelas 3 dan memahami indikator setiap pelajaran dalam silabus untuk kelas 1 dan2.
  5. Berdoa dengan setulus hati, serta meyakinkan diri lebih optimis bahwa yang dilakukan akan berhasil dengan baik
Selamat mencoba, semoga SUKSES.
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Tips Belajar Bagi Siswa

Belajar merupakan proses pemindahan (upaya memindah secara sadar) semua informasi dari hal-hal yang berada di luar siswa ke dalam mind set siswa melalui berbagai elemen penghantar, seperti guru, media pembelajaran, miliu pendidikan, dukungan orang tua dll. Hal yang paling penting dalam belajar adalah modal dasar yang merupakan anugerah Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa seperti intuisi, daya khayal, keyakinan, kemampuan serta kemauan/tekad, semangat, rasa percaya diri, keberanian, serta sikap mental yang positif.
Banyak orang-orang hebat berasal dari latar belakang ekonomi lemah, keluarga broken home, kelompok masyarakat marginal, dsb. Mereka Bisa karena mereka berkata aku bisa. Mereka kuat karena berkata aku kuat. Mereka mampu karena mereka berkata aku mampu. Dorongan diri/motivasi diri adalah modal utama manusia meraih segala apa yang diimpikan. Semakin kecil dorongan mereka semakin kecil pula kekuatan serta daya khayalnya. Sehingga mereka yang selalu berada dalam kepesimisan, tidak pernah sanggup untuk melepaskan diri dari keterkungkungan sikap negatif diri yang membelenggu.
Jadi pada intinya adalah cita-cita hanyalah bayangan keindahan kita pada masa yang akan datang. Terlalu terobsesi oleh khayalan keindahan dengan tidak menyeimbangkan gerak diri dengan mengoptimalkan segala potensi yang telah dianugerahkan Tuhan kepada kita, maka cita-cita itu hanyalah embun di siang hari. Untuk meraihnya diperlukan tiga komponen utama yakni : konsep diri yang positif, daya dukung orang tua dan sekolah, serta lingkungan yang kontributif.
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Cari artikel di Blog SMP N 2 Kaliwungu tentang MALAM LAILATUL QODAR yang diposkan oleh Bp. Sukasmo. Download/Copy file tersebut dan kirimkan ke alamat email Bp. Jaka Santosa.
Waktu untuk mengerjakan tugas ini adalah 30 menit, dihitung sejak tanda dimulai dibunyikan.
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Semua siswa kelas IX harus sudah bergabung dalam Grup SMP N 2 Kaliwungu pada fasilitas Facebook.
Waktu bergabung diberikan sampai dengan hari Sabtu, tanggal 14 November 2009.

Selamat mengerjakan tugas ini..Gampang koq.... Smoga Sukses,,,,
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Tugas TIK Kelas VIII

Lakukan aplikasi fungsi ( rumus ) LEFT, MID dan RIGHT setelah saudara-saudara menerima materi formula fungsi ( rumus ) tersebut,
Tugas ini harus di kumpulkan satu minggu setelah materi diberikan...
di email Pak Jaka Santosa, S.Pd

Download dan save as, ubah nama file dengan "nama dan kelas"
Silahkan download:

Download Klik Disini

Selamat Mengerjakan !
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soal matematika


Kerjakan soal - soal di bawah ini dengan benar!

1. Diketahui data nilai ulangan matematika sekelompok siswa sebagai berikut :
7, 4, 5, 10, 8, 6, 7, 5, 9, 6. Tentukan :
a. rata - rata nilai
b. median
c. modus
d. kuartil bawah, tengah dan atas
e. jangkauan interkuartil
f. simpangan kuartil

2. Diketahui tabel frekuensi sebagai berikut :
Nilai 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Frekuensi 1 3 3 5 6 4 2

Tentukan : a. rata - rata nilai
b. median
c. modus
d. kuartil bawah, tengah dan atas
e. jangkauan interkuartil
f. simpangan kuartil

3. Rata - rata nilai ulangan IPA dari 9 anak adalah 6,8. Jika nilai ulangan siswa yang bernama
Yanti digabungkan rata - rata nilainya menjadi 7,0. Berapa nilai ulangan Yanti?

4. Nilai rata - rata ulangan matematika dari 16 siswa adalah 6,5. Jika nilai ulangan dari 4 siswa
ikut digabung, rata - rata nilainya menjadi 6,2. Berapa nilai rata - rata dari 4 siswa tersebut?

5. Nilai rata - rata ulangan bahasa inggris kelas 9 A yang terdiri dari 40 siswa adalah 5,8. Karena
rata - rata nilainya terlalu rendah, maka nilai setiap siswa ditambah 2. Berapa rata - rata nilai
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latihan gmail engel tapi......
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